Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Bees Make Sugar Cookies

Ok. I will admit it. I am about to make sugar cookies from a store bought mix.  Only because I was able to get these really cheap...
and because I love Mrs. Crocker! I won't go over the steps on how to make the cookies using this mix.  Mrs. Crocker has already done that for you on the back of the package.  (I don't know why I assume Betty Crocker is married.  With her cooking skills I just figure there has to be a least one man out there that would marry her!)    What I will share with you is a fun activity Bumble and I did with this cookie dough.  I bought some of these. 

Aren't they cute? I love my autumn themed cookie cutters.  So does Bumble.

Before we begin, Bumble has to check to make sure she still has her sweet tooth!
Trust me. She does. 
Now that we checked that, let's begin.  Roll out your cookie dough and cut shapes in it with the cute cookie cutters.

Then bake them in the oven for how ever long Betty Cocker thinks is best. 

After they come out of the oven, let them cool.  Now what is the fun activity Bumble and I have planned?  Well you will have to wait and find out because the cookies are still cooling!

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