Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Bee's Aniversary Get Away

 For our 10th anniversary Honey and I decided to go on a hike.  However, the day turned out to be rainy.  Instead we dropped Bumble and Stinger off at my parents house and went on a little romantic excursion by car. 
One of the stops we made was at a local greenhouse.   Our new house is in need of some landscaping and what better way to spend our 10th anniversary than to go to a greenhouse right?!?
Here is Honey checking out some plants. He doesn't look too impressed with these...

I took a picture of the plants we liked so Honey and I can plan on where we want to plant them.  I really like this color combination of the plants below...

These were also in full bloom and were gorgeous...

Honey was also eyeing up some trees...

It is a shame to think that Honey had to cut so many trees down that now we feel like we have to plant more. 
We made some other stops to and also went out to eat.  Then we went back to pick up Bumble and Stinger because we missed them.  Then we went home and tucked the kids into bed and then did what any couple celebrating their 10th anniversary would do.  We canned peaches until midnight!!!! Seriously, we canned peaches until midnight.

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