Saturday, September 8, 2012

We have a cat... sort of

 Let me explain. Bumble is our 3 year old daughter.

She is our very precious little girl.  She is very creative, loves music, and loves to read books. She is also very imaginative.  Imagine finding your daughter lying in odd places around your house. Well I find this quite frequently when she is imagining she is our house cat.  

Here she is curled up on our desk.
Here she is resting on a storage tub I had brought into our living room. Cats like new things right?!

And this one made me laugh the most. She is under her brother's toy. It started out as a pretend cat nap but she did eventually fall asleep!

I am hoping the purring, requesting milk, and asking me to pet her is normal behavior. As she is my first born I have nothing to compare her behavior to!  She is a good feline. She always is a good little kitty and uses the "litter box." At least she doesn't smell like a normal cat does. I think I will keep her!

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