Friday, November 1, 2013

The Bees Go To The Library

The Bees all went to the library on Thursday night.  It had been a while since I took the kids there. The last time we went Stinger threw a huge fit and I had to walk out of the library carrying 40 lbs. of books in one arm and 40 lbs. of Stinger in the other!!!  By the way, if you ever see a mother with only two hands trying to maneuver her kids, one of which is kicking and screaming, and a bag full of books bursting at the seams out of the library, offer to help her.  She would love you for it!  This is the toy similar to the one that Stinger didn't want to leave...
For some reason he likes to move these wooden balls back and forth on the wire.  Since then I found that he loves to string beads, which is almost the same concept. 
Well, back to our trip on Thursday night.  Honey sat with Stinger while he played with his wooden block.  I went with Bumble while she picked out books. You would have thought I took her to the greatest place on earth!  Her eyes lit up with every book she pulled off the shelf.  Here is a small sample of what she picked to read about....

Hmmm....Cockroaches, flies, kittens, horses, and bumble bees?  Can you tell I have an animal and insect loving daughter?  Besides these she brought home another 20 books to read. 
Honey convinced Stinger that it was ok to leave by promising him food!  We all walked out the door without any tears flowing! 
On the way home we left Bumble read one of her books about kittens.  We heard facts about them the entire way home!

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