Friday, May 24, 2013

A Peek Inside A Nest

Dear Robin,
      I never imagined I would ever meet you face to face, but imagine my surprise when I went to our hive yesterday and you were sitting in your nest. 

I deserved every bit of the glare you gave me. (I take it you received your eviction notice!) Thank you for controlling yourself and not attacking me as I unlocked the front door yesterday.  Trust me I was more scared than you were!  You were not in your nest however when I left the house, so I peeked in your nest...

I do believe congratulations are in order!  How "egg"citing for you! After I saw your soon to be baby and let out an "awwww!" I changed my mind.  You may stay.  Just this year though.  After that you will have to find somewhere else to nest.  I just don't have the heart to kick you out now.   Us mamas have to look out for one another!  I remember what it was like to be in the nesting stage of pregnancy so if you need anything let me know. 
                                                                                                               An Apologetic,
                                                                                                               Queen Bee

P.S. I do not do worms! 

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