Thursday, May 16, 2013

Our New Hive: Update

I thought it was time for an update on how our new house is coming along.  The electric should be hooked up this week.  The well had been drilled and the water hopefully will be hooked up soon...

Our front porch area has been completed.  (Sorry it is a little dirty but with all this rain lately it has been quite muddy!)

The deck is in the process of being built...

The spouting and air conditioner were installed...

and Honey said our propane tank was delivered yesterday! Everything is done with our septic but the sandmound.  Whoever is in charge of this says it is too wet to be done so we will have to wait...and wait....and wait some more.  Hopefully we have a couple of hot days that will dry things up enough so this can be completed soon!

Meanwhile the Bees are packing items that are nonessential to everyday living.  If you want to know what kind of things are nonessential to the Bees just check the labels on the boxes...
Gravy and phonebooks?  I guess these are nonessential.  I am surprised Honey packed these together in the same box though because he is always so meticulous about cleaning and organizing.  I am not sure how these things relate but I am sure he had a good reason for packing these together! 

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