Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Queen Bee Makes Parmesean Potatoes

The Bees attended a family reunion this past Saturday.  It was a Bee reunion.  I have never seen so many Bees in one place!  Anyway, I took Parmesan potatoes for my hot dish.  My sister gave me this recipe and it is a winner! I was asked at the reunion for the recipe, so I thought I would just post it on here for anyone else that may want to make these super easy potatoes.
Here are the ingredients...
6-7 medium potatoes (enough to cover the bottom of a 13x9 baking dish)
1/2 cup butter
1/4 cup flour
1/4 cup Parmesan cheese
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
First wash the potatoes.  Peeling is an option, and for me it depends on the kind of potato I am using. This time I did peel the potatoes but sometimes if I am in a hurry I do not.  After you make this tough decision cut the potatoes into small squares. 
Next, melt the butter and pour it into a 13x9 baking dish.

Then add your cut up potatoes and stir them around in the butter until they are nicely coated.

Then mix the flour, Parmesan cheese, salt, and pepper.

Spread this mixture over the potatoes and stir them around until they are evenly coated.

Then cover the dish with aluminum foil...

and bake them in a 350 degree oven for 1 hour.  Then remove the foil, stir them around, and then bake for another 15 minutes or longer if needed to get them nice and brown.

My Honey pours ketchup all over these, but if you are not a ketchup fan they are delicious just by themselves.  Have fun making this "spud"tacular recipe!

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