Friday, June 7, 2013

Stinger's Book

I took Bumble to the library last week, and while we were there she told me she wanted to take some books home for Stinger.  I thought that was very thoughtful so I let her pick some for him.  I also thought how pointless it was trying to pick books for him as he has no interest in books.  Books are not his "thing."
This is one of the books Bumble took home for Stinger...
 It is about a red tow truck that has to rescue a yellow bus that gets stuck.  Well, I think I have read it about twenty times to Stinger so far.  He brings it to me and fusses until I read it!  I never thought this would happen! Bumble was right and proved me wrong. He loves it!  Here Daddy is reading it to him. 

Here he is signing "more".  That means, "Read it again, Daddy!" 

I have already renewed this book one time.  I am not sure how many times I am allowed.  I will have to see if I can find this book online and buy him a copy.  I am looking foward to trying more books with him now that he has an interest in them. 

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