Friday, July 19, 2013

Dear Produce Farmer

Dear Produce Farmer,
     I stopped by your roadside stand today.  I am not sure how you stand to be outside all day especially in this heatwave we have been having lately.  I broke out in a sweat just by carrying the watermelon I bought from you to my car!  I was looking forward to eating this big, red, juicy watermelon with the sweet corn my parents gave tonight for supper.  When I got home the big, red, juicy watermelon did not fit in my side by side refrigerator, so I decided I would cut it in half so it would fit and be nice and cold to devour after the corn.  I retrieved my cutting board from the cupboard and the sharpest knife I could find (which isn't very sharp because I have a fear of knives) and sliced it open and to my horror this is what I saw....   


My big, red, juicy watermelon was yellow!!!! I let out a shriek and Bumble came at once to my side. Bumble immediately declared she was not eating yellow watermelon.  A big, juicy, yellow watermelon just doesn't wet my appetite like a red one does.  How did I manage to buy this?  I highly recommend you put up a sign saying, "Warning! Those of you who do not like change please do not buy this watermelon!" or maybe just make a sign that says "yellow watermelons".  I think that would get the point across just fine!    I tasted it and it has the same consistency of a big, red, juicy watermelon but has a different taste.  Maybe it tastes different to me because my mind tells my taste buds that this is not a watermelon.  So after devouring our yummy, yellow sweet corn tonight, I served yellow watermelon instead of red.  I have to admit this mistake made me quite blue!
               A Blue Bee 


  1. Having never had a yellow watermelon, I googled it. It is supposed to have a honey like sweetness about it so maybe that is why you picked it. Being a Bee and all....
