Thursday, September 19, 2013

A Peek Inside Stinger's Occupational Therapy Session

What goes on during one of Stinger's therapy sessions to address his sensory needs?  Well, today this is what went on...

 The occupational therapist brought shaving cream!  She sprayed it on our newly made Amish table and let Stinger experience it!  Oh the things I do for Stinger!

We couldn't leave Bumble out of this activity...

 So what is the point of letting Stinger make a mess and play in shaving cream?

Stinger does not like soft touch.   I cannot cuddle Stinger or hold him for very long.  This activity helps him get used to touch.  In past sessions Stinger has also played with rice, noodles, and other items that get him used to feeling different textures on his skin.

Plus it was a lot of fun!  The clean up wasn't as bad as you might think and now my table holds another memory for me and my kids!

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