Friday, September 27, 2013

Queen Bee's Not So Fun Week

     Queen Bee's week hasn't been so good.   I couldn't fall asleep Sunday night or Tuesday night.  I also had problems with my heart racing and felt hot at times.  I guess I woke Honey up too many times Tuesday night that he told me I must go to the doctor.   I went on Wednesday morning.   
     When I was 19 I found out I had hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and have been taking a pill ever since.  A couple months ago I suspected that the dose I was on was too high.  I felt jittery, was losing weight and my hair for no reason.  I went to the doctor then and they checked my blood levels and said I was fine.  On Wednesday they did more blood work and tested my thyroid again.  My suspicions were correct as now my thyroid was overactive.  They agreed I needed a lower dose. 
I am amazed how such a small gland in my body can control my entire week!
     Hopefully I can get my body back to normal again soon.   I am not a very good mommy when I don't get my sleep!

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