Monday, October 7, 2013

Honey's "Salty" Classroom Activity

 I know what you will be thinking when you see this picture...

Queen Bee must have found salt at an extremely cheap price and went a little crazy and bought five containers that she will never use!  I assure you that this is not the case.  The price for these was actually a little "salty"! Honey bought these for a fun activity that he does with his students.
       Honey teaches about the Middle Ages in his history class. During the Middle Ages, of course, there were no refrigerators.  They would preserve food with salt.  At the beginning of every school year, Honey buys steak and takes it into school.  He explains to his students how the people in the Middle Ages preserved their food and then he proceeds to put salt in a crock, then puts the steak in, and then packs more salt on top of it.  Then he stores the steak in his classroom for his students to eat at the end of the school year! The steaks get covered in salt in mid-September and then in mid-April his classes dig the steak out of the salt. Honey soaks the steaks overnight so that as much of the salt as possible gets diluted. He then fries the steaks with onions and peppers so the students get a little extra flavor with their steak.
     Don't worry... Honey sends home a permission slip for all the parents to sign in order for their child to participate.  He would never want to put his teaching career at "stake"!  I was fortunate enough to sample some steak last year that he brought home.  It was good but I am thankful that we have a refrigerator and freezer! 

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