Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Bees Go To "Fields of Adventure", Part Two

What else did the Bees do at Fields of Adventure?  Bumble and Stinger played in a big pile of corn! 

This activity had Stinger written all over it.  He LOVED this! Especially sliding down the slide into the corn. 
 Then the Bees went bowling using pumpkins as the bowling ball...

Bumble and Stinger did pretty well.  I was amazed at how much abuse the pumpkins could withstand!
Then they rode horses....fake horse, but they still had a fun time...

Then we went on a hayride...

to the pumpkin patch.

Then the Bees said goodbye to all the fun and excitement.  Now I am sitting in our hive wondering what to do with the huge pumpkin sitting on our counter.  I am sure I can come up with something!

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