Monday, October 15, 2012

Queen Bee Makes Pie Crust

Ok. This is a serious post.  Very serious. I made my first pie crust the other day from scratch.  My Honey says it must have taste. Honey does not like pie crusts that do not have any taste. This is serious. I have to concentrate to get it just right. Ok lets begin with the ingredients. 

3 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1 1/2 cup butter
1 egg
5 Tbsp cold water
1 Tbsp vinegar

First, mix together flour and salt. Easy enough. I don't think I can mess up this step...

Next, cut in butter with a pastry blender. Pastry Blender? That's right, it's this...

The above picture is for the young man at Target that had no clue what I was talking about when I asked where the pastry blenders were. I mean, I described it so vividly. It's the little thingy with the handle that has the thingys that cut up butter.  I mean how did he not know where they kept them!  May I suggest you stick close to the sporting goods department young man!  I have pie crust at stake here. I don't want to let Honey down.  It must have taste!  I need that pastry blender!!!!  (I did not find one at Target, but I did find one at a store called "Kitchen Collection." It's my new favorite store.)
Ok now back to the recipe. Let's cut in the butter with the much sought after pastry blender.  This step also helps get out any pent up frustration!

Now, beat the egg in a separate bowl with a fork and add to mixture.  Again beating the egg is a big stress reliever.  I am beginning to like making pie crust.

Next, stir in the cold water and vinegar.   It will look like this when you are all done.  

Now we are finished with all the ingredients. Whew, I think I did ok. 

Next, put some of the dough on a pastry mat or counter top and roll out with a rolling pin. Roll out the dough to fit your pie pan.  Don't forget to flour your surface and rolling pin or you will have one big messy mess!

Ahh.. this looks nice. Now, place the dough on wax paper...

Fold it so it fits into a freezer bag.  I have a 9" pie pan so I was able to make three pie crust with this recipe.

Next, freeze for use at a later time.  If you want to use the pie crust right away this recipe recommends freezing only for a little while to chill the dough.

Well, now I have three pie crust in the freezer.  Next step is to bake a yummy pie. Will the pie crust have taste? I hope so!!  Stay tuned!

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