Wednesday, October 10, 2012

What Happened to Buzz?

By now I am sure all of you read the post, "The Bees Get A Pet." Here is an update! Can you tell what happened to Buzz the caterpillar?

He is now a chrysalis!! About two days after Buzz moved into his new luxurious home he decided he had enough!  Maybe it was the noisy kids or maybe all the attention he received.  Whatever it was he did not enjoy it!  One night while we were sleeping, he spun himself into a chrysalis.  Bumble was so excited to see the chrysalis, but a little disappointed she no longer had a caterpillar! Here is Buzz's latest photo...

Queen Bee was so glad that Buzz did not die before this happened.  I guess we will put him back in his new home and wait to see what happens next!  There may be a pet butterfly in our future!

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