Friday, December 14, 2012

Queen Bee's 100th Post!

Wow! This is my 100th post! This one better "bee" special. I have enjoyed being able to be creative with this blog.  When I started I didn't know if I could find enough topics to write about. However, when you have children like mine things happen everyday that are blog worthy.  I decided to include some random but interesting photos in this post that never quite made it into the last 99. Here we go...

This is what Bumble did during Hurricane Sandy. All of her stuffed animals had to be evacuated from her bedroom and moved to the living room to higher ground. 

  I think "bee"ing cooped up was starting to get to her.  I agree that the house was getting quite a bit stuffy!

This is just to prove that no matter how we lay our chairs, Stinger will find a way to get to where he wants to "bee."

We no longer keep a chair at our desk!

 Hey Stinger, "bee" careful! I don't think you can fit there!

So there you have it. Some of the random photos that just didn't quite make the first 99 posts.  Thank you to everyone that has read my posts over the last three months.  I hope they made you smile, or maybe even chuckle.  Now what is in store for the Bee family in the next 100 post?  Even I do not know!

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