Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Bees Play in the Snow

It snowed the day before Christmas.  Honey promised Bumble that if it snowed enough he would take her outside to play in it.   Later I saw Bumble looking out the window.  I heard her say, "Dear God, Please make the snow fall quickly so I can play."  God answered her prayer!

 Here Bumble is making a snow angel...

and here is Honey making one too!  I am sure the neighbors got a good laugh!  Bumble took this picture.  You can tell it is taken from her point of view. 
Here are the results.  I love these snow angels!

Then Honey decided to try to help Bumble make a snowman. Pretty good for an inch if snow on the ground!

Bumble loved it.  She would have played all night long if I would have left her!   

Bumble, I love your snowman.  Honey and I are "snow" proud of you!. 

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