Monday, December 24, 2012

The Bees Christmas Card Photo; Behind the Scenes

Here are the pictures used on the Bees Christmas card this year...

Yes, I took these photos.  I told Honey that I was going to buy Christmas cards at the store this year, and he announced that he would like a photo card done this year.  I think I will insert here that this was the first week of December when he announced this.  How was I going to find decent photos to even put on a card?  So the next day I found some outfits that matched and started snapping pictures.  Most of them looked like this...

and this...

But I finally took two pictures I thought would work.  I ordered my prints through on a Tuesday evening,  By Thursday morning they were on my front porch in plenty of time before Christmas.  So I guess Honey's idea wasn't so bad after all. I have lots of goofy photos to remember this Christmas by...

I guess neither of them knew what I meant when I said look at the camera and smile!

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