Friday, December 7, 2012

Stinger's Big Feet

     Ever since Stinger was a baby he has never liked anything on his feet.  He would cry everytime I wore socks on him.  When I did manage to put them on he would yank them off as soon as possible.  Later I realized this may have been because his feet were extra wide and the socks just didn't feel right to him.  Shoes were also a big no no.   I didn't really care in the summertime whether he wore shoes or not, but as winter was approaching I thought a good mother would buy him a pair of shoes.  I didn't want to get any of those  "what kind of mother are you that takes your child out in the cold without any shoes" stares.  The only problem was, a normal toddlers shoe would not fit on Stingers foot. I looked everywhere and even asked at stores where I could find shoes that fit him.  One specialty shoe store told me my only choice was to buy crocs one size bigger than what he really needed.  I could not see my son wearing crocs in the winter so I did a little more investigating.  Wide and extra wide toddler shoes were available online for about $50.00.  I could not see paying this for shoes that I didn't know if he would even keep on, and plus I really didn't know what size he was since he never wore shoes!  I finally found one store that could help me. Of all places it was Sears! Here is what I found...  
Size 7 extra wide New Balance toddler shoes.  In stock. $29.99? hmmm. I bought them. Without a coupon.

Here is Stinger's new shoe compared to Bumbles.
Here he is trying them on for the first time.

Doesn't he look spiffy?

He actually kept them on...

Most of the time. 

Now if I could only convince him that footy pajamas are not the end of the world!

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