Friday, May 30, 2014

The Bees Garden Tour

The Bees have been busy working in their garden.  We have never had a garden before so this is all new to us.  Here is what has come up so far...

Our sugar peas are doing extremely well.  Bumble and Stinger helped to plant these seeds and it's amazing how big the plants have grown just within a couple of weeks.

We planted a few strawberry plants just to see how they would do.  We had one ripe strawberry so far but as to whether or not it was any good, you would have to ask the bird who ate it!  This made Bumble VERY distraught!  We now have a net over the strawberry plants.

 Our tomato plants are still alive although we weren't sure if they were going to make it several weeks ago.  I started most of them from seed inside the house.  I love having a house with lots of windows that let in the light!

There are some things we planted that I can't tell how they are doing.  Like the potatoes.  We will have to be patient and wait and see.

And finally we planted some blueberry bushes.  I have a feeling these will need some nets laid over them as well or Bumble will be quite blue.  

We also have some noisy baby woodpeckers in this tree right next to the garden.  

This drives the cats crazy!

Thank you for enduring the garden tour.  It's what we been doing for the past month.  The next project is to build a shed.  I just might have to hammer out another blog post to cover that one!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Take Me Out To The Yard, Dad!

To be sung to the tune of "Take Me Out To The Ballgame."

Take me out to the yard, Dad! Take me outside to play!

I got my ball and my glove, dear Dad.  If you throw with me I would be so glad.

Cause it's fun, fun, fun making memories.  The kind I'll remember always.

Not just 1, 2, or 3 years from now but for all of my days!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Kids Corner: Please Identify

 Now that it is spring, the woods around us are turning green again.  It's very interesting to see all the plants that are growing around us.  Here is one that I found interesting...

We have four different patches of these growing in our woods.  

Can anyone identify this plant?