Sunday, December 21, 2014

"Up On The Housetop" (The Bee Version)

To be sung to the tune of "Up On The Housetop"...

Up on the housetop, Christmas tree...

Stinger thinks that it's funny...

To move mommy's Christmas decor

Just to get a laugh and hear us roar...

All the Bees Go
All the Bees Go

Up on the Housetop, Christmas Tree
Stinger's sense of humor is quirky!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like....Sickness?

I wrote this post below back in November when I was very pregnant, lacking energy, and had a sick family.  For some reason I never posted it, but it gave me a chuckle tonight so here you go...

The Bees have been sick.  For some reason the last seven weeks have been full of doctors visits and strange illnesses, and it doesn't seem to be letting up.  We have had strep throat, fevers, ear aches, hand foot and mouth, allergic reactions, colds, and coughs.  It is getting pretty ridiculous.  I was thankful that we hadn't come down with the throw ups yet, but then I saw what was in our living room...

Christmas threw up all over the place!

Friday, December 19, 2014


Our new little Bee arrived Friday, December 12th!  Introducing....


Her name suits her because she is a little sweetie and bee-utiful!!  Bumble loves her sister...

 and even though Stinger didn't get a brother, I can tell he loves her too!

More to come when Queen Bee is fully functional and can get some more ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's!