Monday, February 16, 2015

The Bees Buy A New Camera

The camera that I used since the beginning of this blogging adventure decided it had finally seen enough of us Bees.  It was refusing to work. Since it is hard to blog without pictures, I had to hire a new camera.  It arrived Saturday and I put it to work right away.   I have to say, I wish my old camera would have quit working years ago.  This new one does the job so much better.   I had this new camera practice on my three little Bees.  Here are Bumble, Stinger, and Honeycomb...

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Stinger's "State"ment

We have been playing State Capital Bingo in our hive recently...

Even Honeycomb has been participating...

Which leads me to Stinger's funny "state"ment.  After not leaving the hive for several days, he looked at me rather bored and said, "Mommy, I am tired of living in this world.  I want to visit Texas!"