When I last wrote about Bumble she was five years old and heading off to Kindergarten for the first time and I was a little stressed! You may remember that I was reluctant to let a stranger drive her to school everyday. Well, last week my now six year old Bumble finally found out the stranger's name! It is Bruce. Bruce sounds like a nice, friendly, safe, responsible bus driver name don't you think? I know nothing about you Bruce, but thanks for driving my daughter safely to school everyday!
This picture was taken by Stinger, who loves it when his sissy FINALLY comes home! |
These days, Bumble can mostly be found with her nose in a book...
She has been reading so much lately that I need to remind her that she can go outside and play. "But reading is so much fun!" she will say. Bumble, do you know we have a nice comfy couch that is available for you to read on instead of those hard bar stools? Oh wait, you always did like to lay on hard surfaces...