Friday, July 3, 2015

The Bees Have A Fan

I saw this the other day when I walked in our living room...

Notice the white hanger.  I thought to myself, "Why would Honey put a hanger on top of the ceiling fan?!"   I mentioned it to him when he got home and Honey didn't know anything about it. 
A couple days went by and it happened again.  Only this time it was a beanbag...

Apparently, Stinger created a new game called "throw things in the air until they land on the ceiling fan."  I have never seen him play this cool game but apparently he is a pro!  He confessed that he only plays this when I am feeding Honeycomb!!

Stinger, I know this is a fun game for you.  However, Mom is not a "fan" of this game!   Hopefully the thrill of this will all blow over soon!

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