Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Bees Measure Up

Our little Bee's are growing and I can prove it. Thanks to Honey, every January our little Bee's stand in line to get measured.  This tradition started in 2015 soon after we moved into our new hive and will continue forever. (If I have it my way!)  Armed with a Sharpie, Honey and the kids fly down the basement steps to see how much they have grown over the last year.  This year is a special year.  It is Honeycombs first time in the line up!!  Speaking of Honeycomb, lets peek inside our basement to see how she is enjoying this Bee tradition...

Uh oh!  Someone is not happy about being 2' 6".  On the other hand her brother Stinger is ecstatic about being 3' 7"!

Maybe a little too happy!  Then there is Bumble who has grown up right before my very eyes, measuring in at 4'2"!

I think it is safe to say that all my Bees really measure up! Remember what Bumble and Stinger looked liked when we first peeked in our hive four years ago?

All I can say is that I am blessed beyond measure to have these three little (or is it big) Bees in my life!  

Monday, September 7, 2015

Lesson One: Keep Your Shoes On!

"Yes, Stinger."
"Did you know you have to keep your shoes on the WHOLE time at preschool?"
"You do?!" I said with a knowing smile. "Who told you that?"
"My teacher!" (I have a feeling she told him numerous times, but I am too afraid to ask!)

First Day of Pre-K!
 And with that Stinger's first year of preschool is off and running!  Stinger loves it.  If you could see his classroom you would love it too.  It is every child's dream.  In one corner, blocks, more blocks, trains, tracks, and more trains.  In another there are dolls and a kitchen center to play house.  There is a reading center with comfy places to read.  An art center with paints and new pointy crayons organized by color in separate containers.  I love brand new crayons with sharp points organized by color.  It makes me want to color.  Even a big playhouse with a ladder to climb, right there in the classroom.  

After school on the first day, he looked up at me with the biggest smile and said, "Can I go back tomorrow?"  The entire ride home he told me about all they did.  He loved eating lunch on a tray in his classroom.  He loved playing on the playground.  He even sang a song he learned.  The best part was that this song was about....SHOES!!!   Enjoy!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

A Song For Stinger

I thought I would share Stinger's favorite song today, and after you listen to it 50 times I promise it will be yours as well!!  This song has everything in it that Stinger enjoys...tractors, planes, and humor.  I wish I would have recorded his belly laugh when he heard this song for the first time.   Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

How Great Is Thy Art, Bumble

The artist in our family is six year old Bumble.  Her favorite "special" this past year in Kindergarten was art.  This summer she has been drawing and creating almost every day.  She loves to watch YouTube videos that teach kids how to draw.  Here is one of my favorite drawings she did recently...

I love hummingbirds too, Bumble!  And this one is also my favorite...

Well, I guess you could say everything she draws is special to her mommy...

Even this sad bunny...

Good work, Bumble! I remember when you were younger you loved your art supplies.  A new pack of crayons or markers made you so happy.  You loved to organize them. Remember this...

Friday, July 3, 2015

The Bees Have A Fan

I saw this the other day when I walked in our living room...

Notice the white hanger.  I thought to myself, "Why would Honey put a hanger on top of the ceiling fan?!"   I mentioned it to him when he got home and Honey didn't know anything about it. 
A couple days went by and it happened again.  Only this time it was a beanbag...

Apparently, Stinger created a new game called "throw things in the air until they land on the ceiling fan."  I have never seen him play this cool game but apparently he is a pro!  He confessed that he only plays this when I am feeding Honeycomb!!

Stinger, I know this is a fun game for you.  However, Mom is not a "fan" of this game!   Hopefully the thrill of this will all blow over soon!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Bees' Flower Tour

The flowers I planted this year are starting to fill out and overflow their containers. Here is what one looked like back in May when I first planted it...

and here it is today...

I have three planters on our back deck.  So far these have survived the downpours we have been having lately, and they even survived being pelted with hail.  Here is another one...

I also have two planters on our front porch...

They too are overflowing!

Back in May when I was at Lowes picking out all the flowers for these planters, a lady complimented me on my multi-tasking abilities.  When she saw me, I was feeding Honeycomb while holding onto Stinger (who wanted to stare at the fountains), while trying to push a cart and concentrate on finding flowers that would look pretty together! I told her that after a very LONG winter I was just happy to get out of the house!   I enjoy getting my hands dirty.  It is my "me" time!

Around our mailbox this year, I scattered zinnia seeds.  I am hoping they will bloom.  It is a partly shaded area and I don't think they are getting enough sunlight, but time will tell...

I also am enjoying seeing our knockout roses bloom.  Three of these bushes were planted along the side of our house.  They are my favorite...

Also this year, I am trying something new.  Ferns!!  A lady Honey works with gave us a few plants so I am trying to keep them alive underneath our deck...

I did have two plants like this, but the hail storm flattened the one.  This one seems to be doing well.  I am wondering if I could split it and replant half of it in the planter that was ruined.  I don't want to ruin this plant!

Thanks for joining me on my flower tour.  Next will be a garden tour consisting mostly of weeds!!! Hopefully I can find some vegetables to show you!!

Friday, June 26, 2015

The Bees Go To Rocky Gap: Part Two

 So, what did the Bees do next on their mini vacation?  Paddle boating!  The plan was to all go out on the water together, but Honeycomb did not cooperate!! Apparently our little Bee does not like yellow jackets!  When we tried to put her yellow life jacket on she screamed.  So I sat with her on the dock...

 and watched Honey and the kids paddle out into the deep water...

The views were amazing or so they tell me...

Then they finally returned safely back to Honeycomb and I.  Can you spot us?

I think it is safe to say the Bees had a "boat" load of fun on our mini vacation!  Even though taking little ones on trips is not an easy task, these three made it well worth it...