The flowers I planted this year are starting to fill out and overflow their containers. Here is what one looked like back in May when I first planted it...
and here it is today...
I have three planters on our back deck. So far these have survived the downpours we have been having lately, and they even survived being pelted with hail. Here is another one...

I also have two planters on our front porch...
They too are overflowing!
Back in May when I was at Lowes picking out all the flowers for these planters, a lady complimented me on my multi-tasking abilities. When she saw me, I was feeding Honeycomb while holding onto Stinger (who wanted to stare at the fountains), while trying to push a cart and concentrate on finding flowers that would look pretty together! I told her that after a very LONG winter I was just happy to get out of the house! I enjoy getting my hands dirty. It is my "me" time!
Around our mailbox this year, I scattered zinnia seeds. I am hoping they will bloom. It is a partly shaded area and I don't think they are getting enough sunlight, but time will tell...
I also am enjoying seeing our knockout roses bloom. Three of these bushes were planted along the side of our house. They are my favorite...
Also this year, I am trying something new. Ferns!! A lady Honey works with gave us a few plants so I am trying to keep them alive underneath our deck...
I did have two plants like this, but the hail storm flattened the one. This one seems to be doing well. I am wondering if I could split it and replant half of it in the planter that was ruined. I don't want to ruin this plant!
Thanks for joining me on my flower tour. Next will be a garden tour consisting mostly of weeds!!! Hopefully I can find some vegetables to show you!!