Friday, June 26, 2015

The Bees Go To Rocky Gap: Part Two

 So, what did the Bees do next on their mini vacation?  Paddle boating!  The plan was to all go out on the water together, but Honeycomb did not cooperate!! Apparently our little Bee does not like yellow jackets!  When we tried to put her yellow life jacket on she screamed.  So I sat with her on the dock...

 and watched Honey and the kids paddle out into the deep water...

The views were amazing or so they tell me...

Then they finally returned safely back to Honeycomb and I.  Can you spot us?

I think it is safe to say the Bees had a "boat" load of fun on our mini vacation!  Even though taking little ones on trips is not an easy task, these three made it well worth it...

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