Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Bees Go To Rocky Gap Resort: Part One

The Bees went to Maryland this weekend for a Bee reunion!  We stayed overnight at the Rocky Gap Resort...

It is an absolutely gorgeous hotel.  This was our three little Bees' first time staying at a hotel.  I had to explain what a hotel was to them!! They were super excited!  This was the view from our room...

Bumble and Stinger really wanted to go swimming so we took them to the pool at the hotel...

It took Stinger a little while to warm up to the idea of being in the water, but towards the end he stood in the water all by himself and was having so much fun.  So was Bumble...

I wish I could say the same for Honeycomb...

I guess little Bees are scared of water, so I sat with her and we watched the others play...

Later, when we went back to our room I found a note that Bumble had wrote on the hotel stationary...

What did the Bees do next on their mini vacation?  Stay tuned.   (Here is a hint.  It also involved more water and a crying baby!!)

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