Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Bees and the Flood

Yesterday, in the afternoon hours, the rains came down and the floods came up all around our hive! Then the hail and wind came too...

After it came to an end, the Bees went outside to look around.  The road was flooded...

This is the corner of our property where it meets the neighbors...

The water flowed into our backyard...

 and to the back of our property...

Our electric was off for a little while so the kids stayed outside and had some fun.  And when I say kids, I mean Honey too!

Oh, and remember the kite that was stuck in the tree?....The good news is that Ladybug became so terrified in our big tall tree that she decided to come down...

This "flooded" Bumble's heart with happiness!  I am also glad to report that all the water drained over night and this morning I saw our grass again.  This "flooded" my heart with happiness!

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