Thursday, May 1, 2014

Kids Corner: Please Identify

 Now that it is spring, the woods around us are turning green again.  It's very interesting to see all the plants that are growing around us.  Here is one that I found interesting...

We have four different patches of these growing in our woods.  

Can anyone identify this plant?  


  1. they are May Apples or sometimes spelled Mayapples. Don't eat them! They are poisonous unless the fruit is very, very yellow then some people make jelly with it....but I wouldn't!!

  2. Your mom has them too. Aunt Lydia

  3. I guess I will take a stab at this since I am a kid - May Apple???? And if your cupboard is bare do not eat it the plant itself is Toxic!!

  4. I appreciate all of the "kids" that responded! I never knew what this plant was called until recently. No we will not eat the fruit!!! - Queen Bee
