Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A Bee Gets Registered

Can you believe my sweet 5 year old Bumble went to her Kindergarten registration last week?

Neither can I.   She will be joining the class of 2027!  (I am trying very hard NOT to figure out how old I will be when she graduates!) Anyway, Bumble did great.  The teacher that evaluated her said that she has no doubt that Bumble is ready for Kindergarten.  They asked her to count and Bumble counted all the way to 100 before the teacher stopped her.  That earned her a high five and big cheer from the teacher.  She also identified all her letters and wrote her name.  I did not inform them that she can also read and do math.  I will let them figure it out!  I asked Bumble what she is most looking forward to about Kindergarten and she said recess!  The playground equipment she spied by the school looked like a lot of fun to her.  As the time gets closer I am getting excited for her as well.  She is getting a little bored here at home and getting to be around other children her age will be good for her.  So when the big yellow bus comes for her in August I have decided that I will let her get on and I will not follow it.  I promise.

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