Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Stinger Says "Moo"!

While Stinger's speech therapist was here the other day we both got to witness history as Stinger said the word "Moo"  correctly!  He only said it once correctly and his second attempt came out as "oob" but he is making some progress.  His speech therapist decided to now try some short lessons at the table with Stinger.  The sound we are working on again is "M".  He needs to learn to put the M sound before vowels.  Here is our homework for the week...

 We have to move the "M" girl over the hurdles and make each sound like Ma, Me, Mi, Mo, Mu.  We have to do it both with long and short vowels sounds.  He has to do it 20 correctly out of 25 before we can move onto another letter!  I expect that we will be working on this for a while.
Stinger also has been fascinated by the alphabet more.  He started taking an interest in writing letters.  His favorite letter is "H".  Here is his "H"...
He seems to be able to visualize the letters in his head and then write them.  He is especially good at the letters that have straight lines. 
Well I guess I will wrap up this post now.  "Ma", which is "Me", is going to "Mi" bed because I need "Mo" sleep!

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