Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Bee's Like Spring

The Bee's are SO over winter.  Although the calendar says it is now spring, with all the chilly weather we are still having I am having trouble believing it.  Luckily this weekend we had a sunny day, so the Bees went outside and played.  Bumble has been bugging me to dig in the dirt so that is what we did!

We dug out the shovels, buckets, and gardening gloves and they went to work, digging and dumping.  We still have a section of yard that has not been seeded yet so that is where they played.

Notice Stinger kept his shoes on and is even wearing gardening gloves!!!

He did eventually get distracted by the woodpile.  I am going to go out on a limb here and say this boy likes to climb.  Oh what a fun spring and summer us Bees are going to have!

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