Thursday, April 10, 2014

"Track"ing Down The Bees

The Bees have been busy lately.  Sometimes it is hard track us down, but here is where we were today...

What a beautiful day for a track meet!  Honey is coaching the throwers this year which consists of shot put, javelin, and discus.  Honey said we could tag along with him if we wanted too.   Here Honey is explaining to Bumble and Stinger that loud sound they keep hearing is the gunshot to start a race.
Although Stinger and Bumble didn't really enjoy watching the track meet they enjoyed getting to see what daddy does.   Eventually they found some fun in rolling down hills, finding pine cones, and playing in dirt...
I also had to explain that the sand pit for the long jumpers was not for playing in.  They seemed to think that that was a waste of perfectly good sand. 
While I was there watching them play, I was thinking that in a few short years I may be standing here watching them run around this track.   They definitely have the energy for it!

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