Monday, April 7, 2014

Honey's "Salty" Classroom Experiment, Part 2

Remember the post about Honey doing an activity with his class that required meat and a lot of salt? Well if not you can read about it here.   The idea for this activity came from the other social studies teacher that also teaches the same grade as Honey.  He has been doing this activity for years and Honey decided to do it also. On Friday, Honey took the meat out of the salt and soaked it in water over the weekend.
Looks scrumptious doesn't it.

 Then today he grilled it with some peppers and onions and fed the 6 month old meat to his students.  Well, only the students that had signed permission forms from their parents, which was about half!  He didn't want any student going home and saying, "Guess what! My teacher fed me meat today that he had in the closet for 6 months!"
Anyway the students that ate it did not think it was tasty at all.  They said it reminded them of cardboard.  Ironically, they asked for some salt for on it to give it some taste!

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