Friday, July 11, 2014

Dear Miss Ivy

Dear Miss Ivy,

Thank you for leaving my husband alone!  You see, picking raspberries in our woods brings Honey great joy.  However, you and your poisonous ways do not! The last couple of years you have made Honey absolutely miserable after being in our woods.  Thanks for staying away from him this year while he cleared paths to get to our numerous raspberry bushes.

By the way you will be happy to hear that Bumble and Honey found a lot of raspberries this year. Thanks to them I now have 30 cups of frozen raspberries in our freezer!

 It's especially nice that these raspberries will be free this year because Honey won't have to pay for medicine or even miss work because of you!
As you can imagine, I am trying out some new raspberry recipes to share.

I would invite you over to try some but I fear that would be a "rash" decision!  

A Thankful Queen Bee

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