Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Bee's "Little" Announcement

     Our Bee family is growing!  Honey and I are happy to announce that another little Bee will be arriving around December 21st!!  Queen Bee is doing well and is thankful that the weeks of exhaustion and nausea are finally over.  Did you notice I didn't post much in the last couple of months?  I honestly didn't have the energy.  Bumble is excited about the baby and wants a sister. (Bumble just read this and told me to insert the words "so bad" after the word sister!)  Stinger wants a brother, but I am not sure he fully understands.  I think he just says he wants a brother to make Bumble argue with him!  Anyway, I promise you there will be NO belly pictures so you do not have to read my blog posts in fear!  Also this little one will need a "Bee" name by December. Hmmm  Honey, Queen Bee, Bumble, Stinger, and .......??


  1. Buzzy, Bizzy, Buzz, BB, Yellow Jack, HoneyComb, Beatrice, Bea

  2. It seems you have already put some thought into this!!!
