Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Bumble's First Day

     I finally found out yesterday that the stranger that drove Bumble to school must have got her there safely, because they dropped her off safely at 4:30!  It took FOREVER for 4:30 to get here.  The house was so strangely quiet while she was gone, but that all changed as soon as Bumble got home.  As soon as Bumble got off the bus she asked if she could go again tomorrow.  I said yes and she said she had so much fun and that she wanted to go every day.  Stinger was excited to see his "sissy" again and I only got asked about 5 times yesterday "when sissy coming home?" Bumble talked all afternoon and evening about her day.  She told me one girl cried a lot which Bumble couldn't believe because Kindergarten was so much fun and there was nothing to cry about.  She also said one boy thought it was funny to scream in peoples ears.  (Bumble doesn't have much tolerance for kids that do not listen and act immature!)
     Bumble was only gone about 7 hours yesterday, but I thought she looked and sounded different when she got off the bus.  I took another look at her and noticed that she lost something pretty important at school on the first day.  Can you tell what it is??

This is when she left in the morning on her first day...
 and here she is on her second day...

Yes, she lost her tooth at school on the first day! Now she has no front teeth.  Bumble said it fell out when she was eating her lunch.  I asked her what she did with it and she said a teacher took it.  Bumble's teacher called last night to tell me that Bumble's tooth was on her desk and that she would give it to her tomorrow. She also said that Bumble was very well behaved and said she can tell that Bumble has "wonderful knowledge" as she put it.  It made me feel better knowing her teacher took the time out of her evening to call.  
As you can tell the day couldn't have gone any better for Bumble yesterday and I am glad she loves going to school.  That is why once again I let the stranger take her to school again this morning!  I have to say I have no worries today.  Bumble will be just fine!

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