Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Bumble Loves Roller Coasters

Remember the post about how to get free Hersheypark tickets by buying Pepsi products at Giant grocery stores?  Well our free tickets arrived at the end of July and we got a chance to use them this past weekend.

Right away Honey had to see if Bumble had grown enough to ride some of the bigger coasters with him.  He was convinced she was a Hershey bar...

Me?,... Not so much!  However, she must have met the height requirements because she was let on the Wildcat and the Lightning Racer.

Honey took this picture while they were in motion.  He said she was like this the entire time.  She didn't even scream.

She immediately asked if she could go again when they were done.  Now Bumble can say she rode the Trailblazer, Comet, Super Dooper Looper, Wildcat, and Lightning Racer at Hersheypark and loved every minute of it!  She is so much like her dad.  Stinger on the other hand....

Well, he couldn't even handle the Granny Bugs!  More on Stinger's experience tomorrow!

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