Thursday, September 11, 2014

Stinger Drives A Car

  Stinger's day at Hersheypark was different than Bumbles.  He does not like roller "aters" as he calls them.  (For some reason he thinks they are called roller skaters instead of roller coasters!)
The entire time he was on this ride he had his hands over his ears and said "op", "op", "op" repeatedly meaning STOP!

We did find one attraction however that Stinger LOVED...

He loved driving the race cars and antique cars around the track.  I have learned that as long as Stinger is in control of loud noises he is not bothered by them.  It is when he cannot control them that he gets annoyed.

He is actually a pretty good driver and loved every minute of this...

Here is proof that the pregnant lady also rode on at least one ride!  

I am thankful that we have 11 more years before we have to teach Bumble to drive.  She needs everyone one of those years to practice.  Trust me!
The rest of the time Stinger was content to ride in his stroller or sit in a quiet area.  He informed me over and over again he did not want to ride any of those roller "aters."  I do not blame you Stinger.

Your momma does not care for them either!

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