Monday, November 25, 2013

Queen Bee's New Frying Pan

Look what Honey INSISTED that I buy after he cooked his many eggs...

A new frying pan.   He thought my old one was too far gone to keep using.  Here is a picture of my old one.  What do you think?
I have to admit I was kind of attached to it.   Especially it's movable 180 degree handle.  I knew just how to hold it so nothing would dump out.  The handle had been tightened so many times that Honey finally gave up on it.  I felt bad throwing it out though.  I used it every day for many years.  I didn't buy a new one myself because I was waiting to see how this one "panned" out!  Oh well, I guess I will give this new one a try. 
Hmmm... I should let Honey bake some cookies tomorrow.  I would love to see what he has to say about my mixer!

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