Friday, November 22, 2013

The Bee's Kitten Update

Remember the kitten Princess Snowball and Happy had over for a sleepover?

Well, he never went home!  Meet Stormy...

He actually is an adorable kitten.  He LOVES milk so much he sticks his head in it while Bumble pours the milk in his dish. 

 Bumble's cat Princess Snowball is doing well.  She is earning her keep by catching mice.  Here is Princess Snowball in action...

That brownish gray thing is a mouse.  Bumble watched Princess Snowball catch it, play with it, and then devour it!  Hopefully there will be no mice in our hive this winter.
     Stinger's cat Happy is doing fine as well.  Sorry that I do not have a recent picture to show you.   As you can imagine the job of being Stinger's cat is quite stressful so she is in hiding most days!!!

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