Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Bee's and The First Snow

 Stinger experienced snow for the first time today.  Well, I know he must have seen snow last year, but I know he did not remember it because of how he acted today.  All he wanted to do was touch it!  He then cried when he discovered it made his hands cold! Here is my little "snow" man trying out his toy vacuum in the snow...

I think you missed a few million flakes, Stinger!
Bumble of course remembered what snow was and knew just what to do with it...

While Stinger was playing with his Dirt Devil, she was making an angel...

Wonderful snow angel, Bumble!

When Stinger and Bumble were finished playing in the snow, a big Honey bee warmed them up...

Part of me wishes that I would have went out and played in the snow and got cold too...if you get my "drift"!

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