Sunday, December 21, 2014

"Up On The Housetop" (The Bee Version)

To be sung to the tune of "Up On The Housetop"...

Up on the housetop, Christmas tree...

Stinger thinks that it's funny...

To move mommy's Christmas decor

Just to get a laugh and hear us roar...

All the Bees Go
All the Bees Go

Up on the Housetop, Christmas Tree
Stinger's sense of humor is quirky!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like....Sickness?

I wrote this post below back in November when I was very pregnant, lacking energy, and had a sick family.  For some reason I never posted it, but it gave me a chuckle tonight so here you go...

The Bees have been sick.  For some reason the last seven weeks have been full of doctors visits and strange illnesses, and it doesn't seem to be letting up.  We have had strep throat, fevers, ear aches, hand foot and mouth, allergic reactions, colds, and coughs.  It is getting pretty ridiculous.  I was thankful that we hadn't come down with the throw ups yet, but then I saw what was in our living room...

Christmas threw up all over the place!

Friday, December 19, 2014


Our new little Bee arrived Friday, December 12th!  Introducing....


Her name suits her because she is a little sweetie and bee-utiful!!  Bumble loves her sister...

 and even though Stinger didn't get a brother, I can tell he loves her too!

More to come when Queen Bee is fully functional and can get some more ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Forever Summer

The Bees are a little sad.  The summer is winding down and we are spending more time inside than out.  Honey and Bumble both head off to school each day.  We have early bedtimes and early wake up times.  Honey also has two college classes he is taking.  So before this summer is officially over lets reminisce of all the summer fun the Bees had...

I love my Bees!  Thanks for all fun times and memories.  

And for your listening enjoyment, check out Paul Brandt's new song "Forever Summer".  

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Stinger Drives A Car

  Stinger's day at Hersheypark was different than Bumbles.  He does not like roller "aters" as he calls them.  (For some reason he thinks they are called roller skaters instead of roller coasters!)
The entire time he was on this ride he had his hands over his ears and said "op", "op", "op" repeatedly meaning STOP!

We did find one attraction however that Stinger LOVED...

He loved driving the race cars and antique cars around the track.  I have learned that as long as Stinger is in control of loud noises he is not bothered by them.  It is when he cannot control them that he gets annoyed.

He is actually a pretty good driver and loved every minute of this...

Here is proof that the pregnant lady also rode on at least one ride!  

I am thankful that we have 11 more years before we have to teach Bumble to drive.  She needs everyone one of those years to practice.  Trust me!
The rest of the time Stinger was content to ride in his stroller or sit in a quiet area.  He informed me over and over again he did not want to ride any of those roller "aters."  I do not blame you Stinger.

Your momma does not care for them either!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Bumble Loves Roller Coasters

Remember the post about how to get free Hersheypark tickets by buying Pepsi products at Giant grocery stores?  Well our free tickets arrived at the end of July and we got a chance to use them this past weekend.

Right away Honey had to see if Bumble had grown enough to ride some of the bigger coasters with him.  He was convinced she was a Hershey bar...

Me?,... Not so much!  However, she must have met the height requirements because she was let on the Wildcat and the Lightning Racer.

Honey took this picture while they were in motion.  He said she was like this the entire time.  She didn't even scream.

She immediately asked if she could go again when they were done.  Now Bumble can say she rode the Trailblazer, Comet, Super Dooper Looper, Wildcat, and Lightning Racer at Hersheypark and loved every minute of it!  She is so much like her dad.  Stinger on the other hand....

Well, he couldn't even handle the Granny Bugs!  More on Stinger's experience tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Bumble's First Day

     I finally found out yesterday that the stranger that drove Bumble to school must have got her there safely, because they dropped her off safely at 4:30!  It took FOREVER for 4:30 to get here.  The house was so strangely quiet while she was gone, but that all changed as soon as Bumble got home.  As soon as Bumble got off the bus she asked if she could go again tomorrow.  I said yes and she said she had so much fun and that she wanted to go every day.  Stinger was excited to see his "sissy" again and I only got asked about 5 times yesterday "when sissy coming home?" Bumble talked all afternoon and evening about her day.  She told me one girl cried a lot which Bumble couldn't believe because Kindergarten was so much fun and there was nothing to cry about.  She also said one boy thought it was funny to scream in peoples ears.  (Bumble doesn't have much tolerance for kids that do not listen and act immature!)
     Bumble was only gone about 7 hours yesterday, but I thought she looked and sounded different when she got off the bus.  I took another look at her and noticed that she lost something pretty important at school on the first day.  Can you tell what it is??

This is when she left in the morning on her first day...
 and here she is on her second day...

Yes, she lost her tooth at school on the first day! Now she has no front teeth.  Bumble said it fell out when she was eating her lunch.  I asked her what she did with it and she said a teacher took it.  Bumble's teacher called last night to tell me that Bumble's tooth was on her desk and that she would give it to her tomorrow. She also said that Bumble was very well behaved and said she can tell that Bumble has "wonderful knowledge" as she put it.  It made me feel better knowing her teacher took the time out of her evening to call.  
As you can tell the day couldn't have gone any better for Bumble yesterday and I am glad she loves going to school.  That is why once again I let the stranger take her to school again this morning!  I have to say I have no worries today.  Bumble will be just fine!

Monday, August 25, 2014

A Bee Goes To Kindergarten

Look who starts Kindergarten today!...

It is Bumble!  She is so excited to go and did not appear to be nervous at all!  She lined up some of her animals on the porch so they could watch her get on the bus...

Bumble gave Stinger and I strict instructions on how to care for them today!  Speaking of Stinger here he is with his sister...

He is going to miss his best buddy.  Look Bumble, here comes the bus...

Have a great day at school, Bumble!  I can't wait to hear all about it when you get home.

P.S. I can't believe I let a complete stranger drive my 5 year old to school!  I don't even know if she got to her classroom, if she is hungry, if she has to use the bathroom, or if she is ok.  Oh well, I guess this is part of letting Bumble grow up!  

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

A Bee Turns Three!

Happy 3rd birthday to my little Stinger!!!  

He still didn't outgrow his "picture" face! 

 Oh well.  Maybe next year!...Here is Stinger opening his gifts with all of his cousins...

 Stinger LOVES his cousins, and he LOVES his presents...

So did everyone else!

Time really does fly by so quickly.  It seems like yesterday he was just my little baby...

Have a happy birthday Stinger!  Love you!

Friday, August 8, 2014

The Bee's Visit the "Land of Little Horses"

The Bee's flew down the road a ways to Gettysburg, PA today to visit the Land of Little Horses.  Bumble LOVES horses and really wanted to ride one.  Today was her day!  It was love at first sight...

While Bumble followed the horses around, all Stinger wanted to do was ride the pedal tractors.  If only I could "harness" some of his energy!

 We went to the arena show where the horses performed tricks and even solved math problems.  They had a barrel rolling goat and a piano playing pig!  Here Bumble is posing with a white horse.  She informed us today that WHEN we buy her a horse it is to be white!

I don't ever foresee the Bee's EVER buying a horse, but we will let her dream!  One of the highlights on this visit was the pony rides.  Here is Stinger on his pony...

and here is what Bumble has been waiting for all summer...

                                                             Looking good, Bumble!

 Then we had a little fun with photos...

We petted and fed some animals...

and had some fun at the gift shop...

Hey Cowboy Stinger, stop "horsin" around!  I love your cheesy picture face, but hopefully you will outgrow it soon and I will be able to see your eyes again in photos!