The Bee's flew down the road a ways to Gettysburg, PA today to visit the Land of Little Horses. Bumble LOVES horses and really wanted to ride one. Today was her day! It was love at first sight...
While Bumble followed the horses around, all Stinger wanted to do was ride the pedal tractors. If only I could "harness" some of his energy!
We went to the arena show where the horses performed tricks and even solved math problems. They had a barrel rolling goat and a piano playing pig! Here Bumble is posing with a white horse. She informed us today that WHEN we buy her a horse it is to be white!
I don't ever foresee the Bee's EVER buying a horse, but we will let her dream! One of the highlights on this visit was the pony rides. Here is Stinger on his pony...
and here is what Bumble has been waiting for all summer...
Looking good, Bumble!
Then we had a little fun with photos...
We petted and fed some animals...
and had some fun at the gift shop...
Hey Cowboy Stinger, stop "horsin" around! I love your cheesy picture face, but hopefully you will outgrow it soon and I will be able to see your eyes again in photos!