Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Queen Has A Birthday

Today I turned another year older.   When Bumble awoke this morning, she told me she was so excited because today was the first day of spring.  It wasn't until after breakfast that she remembered it was also my birthday!  But when she did she went into her party planning mode.  We baked a cake and she decorated it...

Do you like her handmade party hat?  She made one for everyone in the family.  Here is mine...

I love how she spelled "birfday".  Here is the decorated cake...

Then Honey's mom stopped in with some sticky buns and other goodies...

They were so good.  Notice the use of the past tense.  I hope it warms up soon because I am going to need to run off these extra calories! Thank you to everyone that sent cards, emails, made phone calls, and sent birthday wishes. It made my day extra special!

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