Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Bees' Flower Tour

The flowers I planted this year are starting to fill out and overflow their containers. Here is what one looked like back in May when I first planted it...

and here it is today...

I have three planters on our back deck.  So far these have survived the downpours we have been having lately, and they even survived being pelted with hail.  Here is another one...

I also have two planters on our front porch...

They too are overflowing!

Back in May when I was at Lowes picking out all the flowers for these planters, a lady complimented me on my multi-tasking abilities.  When she saw me, I was feeding Honeycomb while holding onto Stinger (who wanted to stare at the fountains), while trying to push a cart and concentrate on finding flowers that would look pretty together! I told her that after a very LONG winter I was just happy to get out of the house!   I enjoy getting my hands dirty.  It is my "me" time!

Around our mailbox this year, I scattered zinnia seeds.  I am hoping they will bloom.  It is a partly shaded area and I don't think they are getting enough sunlight, but time will tell...

I also am enjoying seeing our knockout roses bloom.  Three of these bushes were planted along the side of our house.  They are my favorite...

Also this year, I am trying something new.  Ferns!!  A lady Honey works with gave us a few plants so I am trying to keep them alive underneath our deck...

I did have two plants like this, but the hail storm flattened the one.  This one seems to be doing well.  I am wondering if I could split it and replant half of it in the planter that was ruined.  I don't want to ruin this plant!

Thanks for joining me on my flower tour.  Next will be a garden tour consisting mostly of weeds!!! Hopefully I can find some vegetables to show you!!

Friday, June 26, 2015

The Bees Go To Rocky Gap: Part Two

 So, what did the Bees do next on their mini vacation?  Paddle boating!  The plan was to all go out on the water together, but Honeycomb did not cooperate!! Apparently our little Bee does not like yellow jackets!  When we tried to put her yellow life jacket on she screamed.  So I sat with her on the dock...

 and watched Honey and the kids paddle out into the deep water...

The views were amazing or so they tell me...

Then they finally returned safely back to Honeycomb and I.  Can you spot us?

I think it is safe to say the Bees had a "boat" load of fun on our mini vacation!  Even though taking little ones on trips is not an easy task, these three made it well worth it...

Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Bees Go To Rocky Gap Resort: Part One

The Bees went to Maryland this weekend for a Bee reunion!  We stayed overnight at the Rocky Gap Resort...

It is an absolutely gorgeous hotel.  This was our three little Bees' first time staying at a hotel.  I had to explain what a hotel was to them!! They were super excited!  This was the view from our room...

Bumble and Stinger really wanted to go swimming so we took them to the pool at the hotel...

It took Stinger a little while to warm up to the idea of being in the water, but towards the end he stood in the water all by himself and was having so much fun.  So was Bumble...

I wish I could say the same for Honeycomb...

I guess little Bees are scared of water, so I sat with her and we watched the others play...

Later, when we went back to our room I found a note that Bumble had wrote on the hotel stationary...

What did the Bees do next on their mini vacation?  Stay tuned.   (Here is a hint.  It also involved more water and a crying baby!!)

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

A Bee's Last Day of School

Bumble's last day of school was this past Friday.  She was a little bummed about that...

Ok, so maybe she was REALLY bummed about that!  Let's take a look at some moments before she climbed on the bus one last time as a Kindergartner...

First, she posed for her picture...

Then, she picked some flowers for her teacher...

and gave Stinger his goodbye hug...

and climbed on the bus one last time (with stranger Bruce of course!!)...

Bumble, even though I was extremely nervous about sending you to school this past fall, I am glad I let you go.  You have grown up right before my very eyes, and I love seeing who you are becoming.  

I think your teacher said it best...

Love you, Bumble!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Bees and the Flood

Yesterday, in the afternoon hours, the rains came down and the floods came up all around our hive! Then the hail and wind came too...

After it came to an end, the Bees went outside to look around.  The road was flooded...

This is the corner of our property where it meets the neighbors...

The water flowed into our backyard...

 and to the back of our property...

Our electric was off for a little while so the kids stayed outside and had some fun.  And when I say kids, I mean Honey too!

Oh, and remember the kite that was stuck in the tree?....The good news is that Ladybug became so terrified in our big tall tree that she decided to come down...

This "flooded" Bumble's heart with happiness!  I am also glad to report that all the water drained over night and this morning I saw our grass again.  This "flooded" my heart with happiness!