Sunday, May 10, 2015

Bumble Loves "Rock"ing

Bumble finds rocks and stones fascinating. After digging in the driveway and in the dirt, she brings them inside and shows us why each one is special.

These are the lovely white stones she has collected.  These are special because they are white! They somehow made their way to the drawer in the laundry room...

The special black ones have been piling up in the foyer area...

I am not sure what this one is doing here or why it is so special to her.  I think her intention is to clean it...

After cleaning them she likes to polish them.  She takes my clear nail polish and paints them with it so they shine!

If you come and visit please don't fall on these as you go down our basement stairs...


As you can see her "rockin'" hobby is taking over the entire hive.  I feel like I live in a quarry. So if anyone needs any white stones, black stones, cute little stones, stone with stripes, stones that resemble animals, shiny stones, and well, STONES, you know where to come!!  With quantities like these they are guaranteed to go at rock bottom prices!!

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