I am happy to report that he is FINALLY potty trained, most of the time. Every now and then he will have an accident, but he has come such a long way since my first attempt to train him. I hope this success in potty training continues because I enrolled him in preschool starting in August. I am pretty sure I cannot send him in a diaper!
I am anxious to see how Stinger will do in a classroom setting. I am not worried academically for Stinger. God gave Stinger an incredible brain! Here is an example of what he can do if he concentrates...

He did this all on his own with no help from me! Stinger is reading and is an excellent speller. He loves to work with numbers and likes to do addition problems. I enrolled him in preschool so he becomes used to following routines and transitions. I also want to make sure he interacts and plays with the other children. Sensory issues have been an issue for him and I want to see if any occur in a classroom setting.
Stinger still has a speech therapist and has been doing extremely well. He still has no J sound and some blends are hard for him, but he is making progress. His last speech session will be at the end of July. Then the plan is to dismiss him, and if he needs more help he will get that when he starts school.
I am anxious to see how Stinger will do in a classroom setting. I am not worried academically for Stinger. God gave Stinger an incredible brain! Here is an example of what he can do if he concentrates...
He did this all on his own with no help from me! Stinger is reading and is an excellent speller. He loves to work with numbers and likes to do addition problems. I enrolled him in preschool so he becomes used to following routines and transitions. I also want to make sure he interacts and plays with the other children. Sensory issues have been an issue for him and I want to see if any occur in a classroom setting.
Stinger still has a speech therapist and has been doing extremely well. He still has no J sound and some blends are hard for him, but he is making progress. His last speech session will be at the end of July. Then the plan is to dismiss him, and if he needs more help he will get that when he starts school.
Stinger is still full of energy and keeps me busy! He enjoys riding his bike and playing with cars. This boy also knows how to get dirty from head to toe and makes lots of messes for his mama to clean up!!! He still has his unique sense of humor. He has a need to make people laugh and loves a good laugh! Here Stinger is displaying this unique humor...
Stinger, very funny! I think it is safe to say if you are to ever enter a comedy contest you would be a "shoe"in for sure!
We love our little Stinger and can't wait to see what awaits him in the future!
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