Friday, September 14, 2012


Are you looking for an activity to do with your kids? How about making your own fingerpaints.  I did this with Bumble the other day and we had a great time.  The recipie I used came from  I find this website has a lot of unique activities and crafts for kids.
Here is the link for the recipie:

Here is what you need:

 1/4 cup cornstarch
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 Tablespoons sugar
1 cup cold water
 Food coloring
I let Bumble help get the ingredients out of the cupboard.  She is starting to know her way around the kitchen.
Now that you have the ingredients put them all together in a saucepan.

I let Bumble do this too.  This can get messy at times and I will admit the words, "be careful" did come out of my mouth. I am working on that one.  I don't like messes!

 Next, stir all the ingredients together.

Now put the saucepan on the stove over low heat until it thickens. The recipie says 10 minutes but I left it on a little longer.  It looked like this when I took it off the stove.

Now divide the mixture up into seperate bowls depending on how many colors you want to make.  Six seemed like a good number to me.
Then mix in the food coloring. I did about 2 to 3 drops in each.  You may do more if you want brighter colors.  Mix well.
Good job Bumble!  Keep it up!
Pretty colors! Let's try them!  You will need heavy white cardstock paper for this.
Would you like to see what she made?
Very creative, Bumble!
Do you want to see what Queen Bee made?
I entitled this one "Three Sad Looking Trees in the Moonlight"
and this one "Boater on the Lake at Sunset."
I am no Monet, Van Gogh, or Seurat but I had fun and Bumble did too!  Thank you Mrs. Hess, my 12th grade Humanities teacher, for teaching me about famous artists. You said learning about artists would come in handy one day and you were right!

1 comment:

  1. You are quite the artist! Ahh, 12th grade Humanities. I remember you and the Baroquen Records. You still have that sense of humor and use of puns! I'm enjoying your blog!
