Monday, September 17, 2012

Queen Bees Guide to Couponing: Part 1

I promised to teach you how to save money at the grocery store by couponing. I keep my promises. So how do you start couponing?  The first thing I do is make a list of the groceries I know I will definitely need for the week.  I usually sit down on Sunday afternoons while Stinger naps...

 and Bumble is being entertained by Honey....

and plan meals for the week. These are not gourmet meals. We are talking spaghetti, chicken casserole, and macaroni and cheese with some vegetables and fruit on the side. I write down what I plan to make every night for supper for 7 days, keeping in mind the nights that we have plans and need to eat quickly or the days that Honey will need a lunch.  Honey loves leftovers which I am thankful for.

When I plan meals I always have the store flyer in front of me so I can see what is on sale as I decide on what to make.  Usually sales run from Sunday to Saturday, but not all stores follow this so please be sure to check the flyer. If you do not get a flyer in the local newspaper you can access it online by going to that particular stores website.  Feel free to use whatever store you want just make sure you know their coupon policy.  By combining the store sale with a coupon you usually can score great deals. 

This works for me because i find the more organized I am with meals the less stressful my household is.  I don't care for a lot this...

                                                                                or this...

If I know the night before what we are eating I can do prep work while the kids are sleeping or start in the morning while Stinger naps.  Usually it just involves cooking meat, rice, or chicken ahead of time especially if it is a casserole.  And since I have everything I need that is less time I have to drag Bumble and Stinger to the grocery store.

After planning meals for several weeks it will get easier and you will be able to do this in less than 30 minutes.  Once you start a well stocked pantry by buying more than one item at a time at its cheapest price, you will notice your list gets smaller every week and so does your grocery bill!

Ok, so your homework is to make a grocery list this week with the items you will need and find the store flyer for your local store.  I'll give you some time to accomplish this. Next step, where and how do you get coupons? Stay tuned!


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