Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Bees Get Amused! Part 2

By now I am assuming all of you have read "The Bees Get Amused! Part 1. Now let's continue...

So, what would you do if your honey wanted to take your child on a big, high, and fast roller coaster!  Well I did some research on the subject.

See all of these health restrictions and warnings. This cannot be good!  Now let's inspect the track.

 Oh dear it has a loop. This is ridiculous!

 And what is with this net?  Is this suppose to catch Bumble if she falls out?? I can't believe Honey thinks this would be a good idea!

According to my research this is just too dangerous.  So what did mama end up saying...

Well, somewhere in this picture are Bumble and Honey! They were hanging upside down and I was on the ground trying to hang on to my breath!! Here they are before the ride...
And during the ride.
Poor Bumble!

So did Bumble love it? The first words out of her mouth when she saw me were, "Mommy can I go again!"   All the reasons went through my head again as to why I should say no.  But I answered with a simple, Yes! And I preceded to do so five more times!  So there you have it. Bumble loves roller coasters and mama will just have to accept it!

In the meantime I think I will stick with this....

Stay tuned for my "Amusement Park Survival Guide"... coming soon!



  1. This is just too, too funny. Her Aunt cried when she rode the SDL (at the age of 16)!

  2. wade [call me wasp]May 9, 2013 at 9:55 PM

    I don't think roller coasters are scary.
